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Mathematics Term S


Booklets and books in print with correcting exercises

Volume 1 : Sequences and algorithms



Chapter 1 : Reminders of the sequences.

Chapter 2 : Mathematical induction. Limits of sequences

Chapter 3 : Limits of functions

Chapter 4 : Continuity and differentiability of a function

Chapter 9 : The complex numbers

Math remedial oral

  • The oral contains two questions ; a speciality question for the concerned. candidates.
  • The test consists of a preparation of about twenty minutes followed by interview of the same duration.
  • You can use your calculator and draft pages.
  • The exercises are an argument for maintaining basic : you prepare the anwers, you need to be able to justify .... 
  • The approach and the relevance of the justifications will be valued.
  • Additional questions can be asked during the interview.