Index : General info

  1. Legal Terms and Conditions
  2. Sitemap

Legal Terms and Conditions

Name and address of the website

Lycée d'Adultes de la ville de Paris
High School for Adults of the Paris City Hall

Website editor

Lycée d'Adultes de la Ville de Paris
Lycée Philippe Leclerc de Hautecloque
132, rue d'Alésia - 75014 Paris
Tél. 01 45 41 52 44

Director of publication

Cécile Duportail, Prinicpal of the Lycée d'Adultes

Website development

Paul Milan


Pearl Nasseripour

Web designer

Alexandre Bresciani passed away, he unfortunately left us too soon, this website is dedicated to him.

Website hosting


Reproduction rights

The information contained in this website is public. The reproduction of the content of this website is permitted if the source is mentioned and a link is created to the relevant pages. They cannot be used for commercial nor advertising purposes.

Photographic credits

The pictures used for this website come from the archives of the Municipal High School of Adults and are the property of their respective authors. They are protected by the Intellectual Property Code and, more generally, International Treaties and Agreements containing provisions relating to the protection of copyright.

Copyrighted pictures :

Alexandre Bresciani - LMA / Richard Campion - CMA / Sophie Robichon - Mairie de Paris - Françoise Noël-Jothy / Mustapha ALI