Piece jointe


Tutoring and personal counseling

The small size of the High School is one of its strengths: the school knows each student, students can meet the Educational Assistant or the Principal, express and formulate their expectations to the teachers. Individual interviews are offered throughout the year.

The first interview is organised at the time of the registration (See the "registration at LMA" the 4 stages of registration) and gives the opportunity to meet the applicant and have knowledge of his/her personal and professional situation, his/her motivations and to be able to discuss the applicant’s future project.

At the end of each semester after  class evaluation meetings, the report card is personally given to the student giving him/her the opportunity for an assessment interview relating to school or personal concerns.

Outside of this, interview appointments can also be held occasionally at the request of the students or based on recommendation of a member of the teaching staff.

Class representative, are elected by their peers and facilitate communication with the teaching staff.

Teachers are often certified teachers and participate actively in the school life. They help students overcome their difficulties due to their ability to listen, their expertise in adapting programs and their ability to communicate with an adult audience.

In each class, the referent teacher regularly organises roundtables and individual exchanges at the beginning or end of the course, and shares observations with the teaching staff. At the end of each semester, the referent teacher participates with the Principal in an overall assessment and analysis of the class, in anticipation of the class evaluation meeting.

Personalised assistance and help are provided by the High School teachers in Physics, Chemistry, Economy, Mathematics, Biology, and Methodology, during these sessions students are also recommended individually.

Piece jointe

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